What is Allergy Testing All About?
What is Allergy Testing All About? Adults and children can develop allergy symptoms at any age. The symptoms represent the body’s reaction to a particular substance. A substance that can cause an allergic reaction is called an allergen. Allergy testing helps your doctor identify which allergen you are reacting to. Knowing just what you are […]
Pollen-Related Food Syndrome: Exploring Potential Links Between Food and Pollen Allergies
Pollen-Related Food Syndrome: Exploring Potential Links Between Food and Pollen Allergies If you have food allergies to certain plant-based foods or select other types of food, more research is showing that your symptoms may actually be caused by a secondary allergy and not a true food allergy. This so called “secondary allergy” is actually a […]
10 Back to School Tips for Kids with Allergies or Asthma
Getting your kids back in school means summer has come to an end; it also means relinquishing control over what your little ones eat, touch, and come in contact with. That loss of control can make moms of kids with allergies or asthma very nervous. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, […]